At the conference reception on Thursday, April 11, 2013 we unveiled a new song entitled "R2P". It was prepared specifically for this conference and performed by a famous Slovenian rap band Murat & Jose. Lyrics: Reading the news, watching TV, violence, crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide, people killing people and they used to live side by side. I can't understand it, we all live on the same planet, we're all in this together and it's gonna get worse for everyone if we don't make it better. With all this drama in the world you see, we got to talk about the R2P. Remind our governments about 2005, demand they take action when bad times arrive. I'm just a rapper from Slovenia, my English ain't perfect, but if the message gets across it will make it all worth it. Don’t let the pain increase, R2P on the way to world peace. We got the REF: Responsibility to protect! Tell your government, Tell your president. We got the Responsibility to protect! Tell your parliament, They must understand. R2P! R2P! Hey Mr. President, remember the document from September 2005, it’s when the UN agreed that the concept of R2P must come alive. Remember Rwanda, I wonder, are we going to make another such blunder. |
RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT IN THEORY AND PRACTICE was the first scientific conference devoted exclusively to the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P/RtoP). More than 80 speakers and poster presenters from almost 40 countries and international institutions discussed issues regarding R2P in 2 parallel panels each day. A meeting of regional R2P focal points was held in Slovenia a day before the conference (April 10, 2013) and the regional R2P focal points participated at the conference in a separate panel on the first day (April 11, 2013). It’s up to you, bear that in mind, do not betray the trust of mankind. People of every religion, nation and race, we must prevent atrocities in the first place. But when they are committed, it’s time to react, we need to protect our brothers and sisters from being tortured and killed, or else accept responsibility for the blood spilled. And yes, we have to rebuild destroyed homes, help the people go on, we can’t leave them all on their own. One humanity, one love, one earth, one sky above. This is not about them, you see, this is about you and me. We got the REF: Responsibility to protect! Tell your government, Tell your president. We got the Responsibility to protect! Tell your parliament, They must understand. R2P! R2P! It is our responsibility. Stop the crimes against humanity! Stop ethnic cleansing! Stop war crimes! Stop genocide! We’re the ones who decide. |